13 12, 2018

On Being Human

2019-08-17T09:06:38-04:00December 13, 2018|Art of Living, News|

by Margot Schaal, GCFP Lately, I have taken to reading young adult novels while commuting– books about being human, and about be-coming. These books ask questions, as practitioners often do during a Feldenkrais® lesson. They speak to problems; some are proverbs, or humorous. They describe characters with myriad behaviors, many with complex [...]

6 12, 2018

Mindfulness in Movement: Move Yourself to Know Yourself

2019-08-15T17:03:05-04:00December 6, 2018|Art of Living, Awareness Through Movement Lessons, News|

by Marsha Novak, GCFP The word “mindfulness” is everywhere these days and often associated with a sitting meditation practice. As we sit and follow our breath, we become more "mindful," a term Jon Kabat-Zinn defines as “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” [...]

29 11, 2018

Which Side are You On?

2019-03-20T22:05:53-04:00November 29, 2018|Chronic Pain, News|

by Christine Graves, GCFP Complex Regional Pain Syndrome In recent studies regarding the unfortunate condition called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), persons with abnormal temperature changes in the affected limb (the side with the problems) can create the same changes in the unaffected limb when it is placed on the affected [...]

21 11, 2018

Moving Beyond Limits: Children with Autism

2019-03-20T22:08:09-04:00November 21, 2018|Babies & Children, News|

by Karen Toth, GCFP I have been teaching the Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education since February 2007. Initially, I had no intention of working with children. My background was in Pilates, aerobics, and weightlifting; I was interested in working with anti-aging and elite athletes. Little did I know, I would fall in [...]

25 10, 2018

Embodying Life: An Interview with Russell Delman

2019-03-20T22:15:46-04:00October 25, 2018|Art of Living, News|

by Cynthia Allen, GCFP Feldenkrais Method® for a Changing World Russell Delman provides fresh insight into how the Feldenkrais Method® can meet the needs of a changing world. In the 30 plus years since he began his study with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, he has trained over 2500 Feldenkrais® Practitioners around the world [...]

20 09, 2018

Posture or Acture?

2019-03-20T22:23:07-04:00September 20, 2018|News, Posture & Balance|

by Scott Forrester, GCFP The idea of posture as good vertical standing is familiar to most everyone. The word "posture" originates from words that mean position or station and may be used to imply a static position. Although vertical posture is an important concept, Moshe Feldenkrais did not feel that the [...]

13 09, 2018

Stand like Never Before: Interview with Stacy Barrows, PT, GCFP

2019-03-28T14:48:35-04:00September 13, 2018|News, Posture & Balance, Posture and Balance|

Standing vs Sitting Ira Feinstein: There has been a movement over the last decade to encourage people to stop sitting at work and start standing. From a Feldenkrais® perspective, is standing really the silver bullet we’ve been told it is? Stacy Barrows: We have a tendency in our culture to fear monger. [...]

30 08, 2018

Sharing Worlds: The Feldenkrais Method® and Music

2018-12-20T16:52:26-05:00August 30, 2018|News|

by Elizabeth Blades In the late 1980’s, a stressed-out wife, mother, and full-time doctoral student at the Eastman School of Music crossed paths with a newly minted Feldenkrais® practitioner in Rochester, NY. What seemed a serendipitous, but temporary, encounter transformed both lives. This is our story. Sam Nelson: I had been [...]

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