13 12, 2018

On Being Human

2019-08-17T09:06:38-04:00December 13, 2018|Art of Living, News|

by Margot Schaal, GCFP Lately, I have taken to reading young adult novels while commuting– books about being human, and about be-coming. These books ask questions, as practitioners often do during a Feldenkrais® lesson. They speak to problems; some are proverbs, or humorous. They describe characters with myriad behaviors, many with complex [...]

6 12, 2018

Mindfulness in Movement: Move Yourself to Know Yourself

2019-08-15T17:03:05-04:00December 6, 2018|Art of Living, Awareness Through Movement Lessons, News|

by Marsha Novak, GCFP The word “mindfulness” is everywhere these days and often associated with a sitting meditation practice. As we sit and follow our breath, we become more "mindful," a term Jon Kabat-Zinn defines as “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” [...]

25 10, 2018

Embodying Life: An Interview with Russell Delman

2019-03-20T22:15:46-04:00October 25, 2018|Art of Living, News|

by Cynthia Allen, GCFP Feldenkrais Method® for a Changing World Russell Delman provides fresh insight into how the Feldenkrais Method® can meet the needs of a changing world. In the 30 plus years since he began his study with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, he has trained over 2500 Feldenkrais® Practitioners around the world [...]

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