by Tiffany Sankary, GCFP

“With paying attention, learning, doing, we improve and enlarge our horizons.” – Moshe Feldenkrais

What’s the relationship between our physical vision and our creative vision? What’s the relationship between the quality of our movement and the quality of our imagination? 

When you feel tight, stuck, blocked, frozen, chaotic, confused, Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® can help bring harmony and fluidity to your physical movement, as well as the movement of your attention, sensation and imagination. The lessons help shift our attention away from pointing directly towards our difficulties, and instead help us widen our experience to include pleasure, ease, curiosity, care and a spirit of play and experimentation. 

As our internal noise quiets, we learn to listen more clearly to our impulses, ideas, hunches, gut feelings, passions… We have more options for connecting with ourselves and our environment. The attentional qualities that we cultivate in Awareness Through Movement lessons can be transferred to any creative act; and, over time, can support an ever-expanding vision of living a creative life.

Here’s an 11 minute mini-Feldenkais lesson that takes place lying on your belly exploring gentle movements with your eyes. (You can also do this on your back if that’s more comfortable for you).

Tiffany Sankary

Tiffany Sankary is an artist who integrates the Feldenkrais Method, Organic Intelligence®, Authentic Movement, and the creative process. She is an Assistant Trainer in the Feldenkrais Method and currently teaching in the Boston Feldenkrais Training. She created, a comprehensive online resource that supports physical, emotional and creative well-being. Her Movement & Creativity Library has hundreds of Feldenkrais lessons to do at home, curated from somatic teachers around the world. She is the illustrator and editor of Feldenkrais Illustrated: The Art of Learning, a visual guide to the philosophy and writings of Moshe Feldenkrais. Tiffany lives in Boston, MA with her husband Matty Wilkinson, who is also a Feldenkrais practitioner, and their 2 small children. Learn more at

Explore Movement & Creativity Library for Free the last 2-3 days of every month. Access weekly live weekly Mini-Feldenkrais® lessons and movement & creativity experiments in the Move Create Practice Facebook group.

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“The wisdom of doing a little less than one really can pushes the record of achievement further and further as you come nearer to it, similar to the horizon that recedes on approaching it.”

Moshe Feldenkrais, Learning to Learn