The Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education teaches its values of awareness, self-development through learning, and the fulfillment of human potential.

As we reflect on current events, the effects of systemic racism and the myriad ways in which people of color are deprived of their lives, livelihoods, and opportunities, we must recommit and re-embody the ideals of our method. The empathy we extend to our clients in pain must apply to a larger context within society. We are called to help “restore each person to their human dignity.” We must uphold our vision of health — the ability to “live one’s vowed and unavowed dreams” — and extend that possibility to all.

The team at Feldenkrais NYC expressed our shared ideals eloquently: 

“Our position in the face of racism and inequity is clear. We respect the dignity and rights of all individuals. We stand for diversity and inclusion. We acknowledge deeply seated racism in this country and our past complacency and inaction.

We want to voice our commitment to dismantling racism both internally, within our hearts and minds, and externally in our families, communities, and the broad[er] society. . . any meaningful change always starts with awareness and action.”

Feldenkrais NYC

The Feldenkrais Method offers tools for profound change. We know the need is great. We are here, and we stand with those who seek changes that promote a better life for ALL.