About Ira Feinstein

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So far Ira Feinstein has created 57 blog entries.
21 04, 2018

Core Strength is Not your Master

2019-10-06T18:53:13-04:00April 21, 2018|News|

by: Erin Ferguson, GCFP Prevailing cultural ideas refer to the abdomen as the core, and we talk about "core strength" as being beneficial. Consider a few Feldenkrais®-based ideas about strengthening the abdomen: Muscles must work in tandem Let's talk about appropriate distribution of effort. If you can contract the abdominal [...]

12 04, 2018

The Myth of the Core (free lesson included!)

2019-10-06T18:48:17-04:00April 12, 2018|News|

by Melinda Glenister We are bombarded with messages that we need to protect our backs and strengthen our ‘cores’. There are so many misconceptions and assumptions made about ‘core stability’ which have seeped into our culture. However, more and more people are waking up to the limitations of the approach and [...]

12 04, 2018

Low Back Pain–It isn’t about Core Strength

2019-10-06T18:49:56-04:00April 12, 2018|News|

by Dr. Tim Sobie, PT, Ph.D., GCFP The statistics are daunting, if not downright depressing: 80% of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lives. The most common treatments include prescription medicines, chiropractic treatments, or physical therapy rehabilitation, typically with a focus on core stabilization. The theory [...]

19 03, 2018

Do You Live a Short Distance from Your Body?

2018-03-19T16:33:03-04:00March 19, 2018|News|

by Marsha Novak, GCFP "Mr. Duffy lived a short distance from his body.” – James Joyce (From the short story “A Painful Case”) I just love this line. But what does early 20th-century Irish literature have to do with my work as a Feldenkrais® practitioner? WHAT I typically do, especially in [...]

12 03, 2018

Tactile Defensiveness and the Feldenkrais Method®: A Conversation

2018-03-27T13:54:23-04:00March 12, 2018|News|

Tactile defensiveness is considered a sensory processing issue, where the individual’s neurological system is “hypersensitive” to touch sensations. As a result, the sensory system is overwhelmed by touch sensations that the average individual perceives as neutral. Touch is experienced as irritating, bothersome, and in some instances painful. The following conversation [...]

1 03, 2018

The Feldenkrais Method and Sciatica

2018-03-01T19:57:47-05:00March 1, 2018|News|

by Victoria Worsley I am often asked, "Can the Feldenkrais Method® help with sciatica?" or ‘do you have experience with sciatica?’ I am likely to answer those questions by saying, "I have experience working with people who have sciatic pain" or "I have clients who experience/used to experience back pain [...]

22 02, 2018

How to Alleviate Runner’s Back Pain

2019-10-06T11:24:46-04:00February 22, 2018|News|

by Jae Gruenke Photo by Curtis MacNewton on Unspash Running has a reputation for giving the body a pounding, and for some runners with lower back pain that can be a very literal experience. For others, running itself is fine but the pain appears afterward. The solution is [...]

16 02, 2018

Openness to Options

2019-01-22T19:56:20-05:00February 16, 2018|News|

By Pamela Khim, GCFP Many, many times during the 27 years of my Feldenkrais® practice, I’ve seen how people shed years while gaining comfort—when they learn it’s in their best interest to not constantly contract their abdominal muscles. Shortly after starting my Feldenkrais practice in 1991, a retired eighty-year-old oncologist became [...]

8 02, 2018

Heart-Mind and Axon: Reflections on MS

2018-12-20T17:31:24-05:00February 8, 2018|News|

by Ingrid Willenz-Isaac I touch my student’s foot as she is lying on the table, and suddenly her big toe pops up. Momentarily startled, I take my hands away and ask her if it hurts. It doesn't. I already know that the toe twitching is called the Babinski sign, that it [...]

25 01, 2018

Power Learning: The Feldenkrais Method in the Classroom

2018-01-25T14:05:23-05:00January 25, 2018|News|

by Beth Sidlow Mann, GCFP As a public school music teacher since 1986, I have always been interested in new ideas to help students learn. To stay on the cutting-edge of educational theory and techniques I attended educator conferences, staff development offerings, and summer courses. These courses, while helpful, were [...]

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