We are delighted and proud to present the FGNA 2020 Conference Online to you!
Each workshop and experience is woven into an opportunity for our work to be shared within our community and bring greater public awareness of the Feldenkrais Method®. This year there are ten workshops open to the public, as well as two Morning Awareness Through Movement® lessons each day.
Our Keynote speaker, Dr. Rollin McCraty, Director of Research at the HeartMath Institute will enthrall one and all with his new understandings of how the heart and brain interact in a dynamic relationship that affects many aspects of cognition and emotional experience.
With a great line-up of talented presenters, this conference will surely appeal to everyone.
This will also be an opportunity for practitioners from all over the world who have not been able to attend our conferences in the past, including many more members of the public.
Not only is this the most affordable Conference EVER, it also includes all of the recordings of each of the 23 sessions offered at the Conference.
There is limited capacity, so please register as soon as possible to ensure your space!
We know you will enjoy this year’s Conference and look forward to welcoming you on Zoom.
The 2020 Conference Committee
  • Elinor Silverstein (Chair)
  • Darcia Dexter
  • Jane Johnston
  • Chrish Kresge
  • Donna Ray
  • Beth Rubenstein
  • Kwan Wong
  • Kayla Chandler (Conference Coordinator)